Juno - Final edit

Juno - Final edit

For this task we were editing and filming our own footage which enabled us to become more farmillar with the cameras. By filming our own shots we realised the time it takes to film just one shot to try and get it as near to perfect as we could.

This was our first atttempt at creating our own storyboards by doing this we learnt how closely we need to watch in order to pick out the specific transitions and camera shots in oder to match the origional juno sequence.

In the group we had a slight weakness in keepig the camera still throuhout all of the shots because of this we learnt that where possible we should try and use a tripod to steady the shot. we also found weaknesses in our organisation during the filming as we ended up running around to find props insted of having them ready before we went to film.

We filmed all of the footage that we needed because we took multiple shots to ensure we filmed at least one good piece of footage for every scene which enabled us to pick and choose which shot we want for our final production.

From this task I learnt a lot about premiere because I could further adapt as t what effects are avalible. rom editing our own foootage I learnt that it is a lot better to film sots too long rather than too short, however by filming shots that are too short I learnt how to make the footage longer by slowing it down. By using the camera I learnt how to take a tracking shot and that it is very diffficult to keep the camera steady during this shot.

My Juno task is close to the origional however some of my shots are too short which spoils the match between the two. Some of my editing also didnt match up because the transitios from the origional were done using animation so we couldnt replicate this so we had to find an alternative method of using the transitions avalible on premiere. To improve the way the footage matched up we should have been more specific as to the way we filmed our shots.