Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

From the preliminary task I feel that my knowledge of camera shots has improved because of the large number of shots we needed to film in order to cerate the best film possible. In the prelim task I discovered that the editing was hugely important to add feeling to the film.

I also felt that my editing skills improved hugely because I needed to edit a much larger film with my final production and therefore I discovered that the rendering process needed to be completed during the whole edit and not just at the end because this takes a lot of time and therefore slows down the whole editing process.
I feel that my Preliminary task established character well and because of this the story began to grow. in contrast to this I feel that our final production needed a character to be established in order to help with the smooth transition into the rest of the film this was the only downside from our final task other than this I feel happy with my final task and the way in which the edit was effective.


In What Ways Does Your Media Product Use, Develop or Challenge Forms and Conventions of Real Media Products?

The Fallout opening scene challenges typical forms and conventions of typical media products immediately from the start because the lack of characters which are shown during the opening sequence. We have intentionally done this to challenge typical forms which all films abide by we wanted to engage with the audience immediately encouraging them to focus in order to understand the reason as to why no characters are shown they may come up with their own ideas as to why no one has been shown maybe because they are already dead or they know something the others don't. 

Lack of Characters Helps Develop Enigma Code
Anyway this is explained later on in the film because we develop the storyline to slowly increate the number of characters in the film rather than start with lots of characters and then having no where to take the story. 

However our media product does use the enigma code constantly making the audience question what is happening because they want to know so the story can progress. We will constantly use the enigma code throughout our whole product to keep our audience guessing as they have no idea of what is coming meaning they remain engaged in the film and enjoy their film experience getting the most they possibly can out of our film. 

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

  Our film represents social groups in a subtle way because we do not show any proper characters during the opening two minutes because we felt that a more abandoned look will be more effective than using lots of characters because this will detract from the feeling of emptiness and the apocalyptic genre which we want to create. Because there are no characters present in the opening sequence this evaluation question is extremely tricky however we use the scenery to help create representation by showing no life meaning that no one will survive the disaster. This subtle yet very powerful message acts as a way to represent social groups because some people will watch our films and hopefully take away a message of how nuclear war is certain death for everyone because the power of these missiles is just immense. Due to this hidden message in our film the social group we hope to represent is the older more wise person acting as a warning to the younger generations who will come to watch the film because it looks good. 

The other way we hope to represent different social groups is by the teenagers walking across the car park unaware of what is about to happen in their lives again acting as a hidden message to take care of their planet because they will never know what is going to happen. 

What Kind of Media Institution Might Distribute Your Media Product and Why?

Big Talk Productions will be the main distributer for our film because they have their feet firmly grounded in the marketing aspect of film because of this we will choose them to give us the best possible distribution using there connections with other brands and cinemas to give our film the best showing in a number if different cinemas. 

Our film The Fallout would be a wide base release meaning that many platforms will be used in order to give a wide number of people an opportunity to watch our film in any way they want wether that be in the cinema or on there home TV through third party platforms such as Netflix or Amazon Prime by opening up our film to these different platforms we can branch out and reach a large number of people to make the most amount of profit possible. 

Our film will be shown in the smaller cinemas like the picture house and not the big cinema giants like Odean and Cineworld because our film isn't big enough for them to invest because they are all about making money from secondary sales like refreshments and if they don't have enough people watching our film they will not make enough money to make it worthwhile. 

The picture house cinema however are more likely to take our film and show it to the target audience not to make a profit but to give people pleasure from watching a small film in a equally small cinema as they believe the film and the atmosphere is more important than the bums on seats philosophy the larger companies hold.

What Have You Learnt About Technologies From The Process of Constructing This Product

This is my evaluation question answer to the question assessing my learning about different technologies during the construction of my product.

Shooting Schedule

Shot description
Equipment needed
Film the river looking normal with swans and or kayakers using it
River Chelmer Chelmsford
And Swans
Camera tripod
Cars in a car park looking normal with a group of friends walking through it
Car park
Group of teenagers walking
Camera tripod
Top off a floodlight with a bird sitting on top
Netball court
Great Baddow high school
Camera tripod
Abandoned looking allotment still shot
Allotment chipping Ongar
Camera tripod
Still shot of the top of the metal containers with the sky in the background
Great Baddow high school metal containers
Camera tripod
Still shot of a red morning sky try every morning to make sure you get the red sky

Morning sky at great Baddow high school
Camera tripod
Time lapse video of the sky with the clouds quickly moving
Day sky at great Baddow high school
Camera tripod

This is the shooting schedule for our film The Fallout as you can see we need to film in a number of different locations this means we need to film on a couple of days to enable us to gain good quality shots to prevent the need of rescheduling more filming dates putting us behind on our filming. The shots we need have been described by doing this we are aware of what we need to capture when we are on location meaning we can get our shots as close to perfect as we can. it is important we stick to this schedule in order to begin editing on time. 

Fallout Script

Fallout Script

This message is transmitted at the requested of the United States Office of Civil Defence
at 3:40 pm Pacific Standard Time Nor detected a long range nuclear missile launch from North Korea
This missile is believed to be heading towards Los Angeles metropolitan area, it is believed that it will impact this area within the next one and one half to two hours
all respondents within four hundred miles radius of this area should seek a fallout shelter immediately
fallout is hideout from nuclear attacks, long exposure to fallout will result in certain death.
(Nuclear Explosion)
Fallout Title
(Church bell ring)
In text on screen-
At 5:24:23
A North Korean Nuclear Warhead
The city of Los Angeles which caused
Instant Fatality At The Epicenter,
Also Spreading Fallout Worldwide.
Only A Few Survivors Remain...

How Did You Attract/ Address Your Audience

This is my answer to my evaluation question about how we attracted and addressed our audience during our film The Fallout.

Who Would Be The Audience For Your Film?

This Prezi shows my evaluation question about who the audience will be for our film.

Fallout Poster

Fallout Poster

This is the poster from our film which we created on photoshop in order to provide the best platform for editing and creating a professional looking product which is more likely to attract attention for our film therefore increasing the intrest for our film therefore making us more money if we actually sold our product. I feel that our film poster has a very professional look and feel which means we can create more attention. We used photoshop to create our poster because it gave us the best way of editing and creating a professional product.