Opening Scene Analyses

The photos on the wall in the opening scene represent military people and symbols of death this could symbolise the characters aspirations to be like this people in the photos so he can consider himself better than others so he can judge them. The camera slowly tilts down in this shot which slowly lets us see every single photo and with every one we learn more about the characters personality. The shot tilts down and zooms out slowly to show the characters book collection which contains books such as: 
  • The Holy Bible
  • Trial Handbook 
  • The Cell Within
  • Eat Right and Stay Fit 
These books are mainly about judgement of one sort or another so we can see how he knows about the legal system maybe so he cannot be caught again. We can also tell that he is a smart and sensible man reading quite complex books about the legal system. He is also interested in keeping fit and healthy with  his book Eat Right and Stay Fit. As the shot zooms out we see the back of a man working out with a tattoo of a cross with a set of scales one labelled truth and the other justice again showing his interest in the legal system. The same shot continues to zoom out showing the whole of the cell and showing us the bars on the wall keeping him inside whilst he works out on his bed keeping himself fit. As he turns round we see more tattoos one of a heart over his real heart this could show a previous relationship before he was locked away. The cell door opens with the guard talking out of the scene telling him ' its the moment you've been waiting for' this suggests he's been locked up for a long time maybe because he committed a horrific crime. The music continues to play almost suggesting they are letting out a monster.  The shot finally finishes when the gate inside the prison is shut and begins again outside where the main entrance is opened almost as one door closes another opens in his life. The guard asks about his books and the man replies " already read em" showing he has learnt so he doesn't need them again. As he walks away the storm grows almost immediately letting us know something is going to happen again.