Film Pitch to Demonstrate Understanding of Genre

Film Pitch

Our film "80 Years Straight" is a rom com we chose this genre because we thought it would be interesting and we could thing of a good interesting storyline. When we pitched our film to the class we received good reviews mostly the class thought our title was relevant and catchy although some of the actors and actresses ages do not correspond we envisaged them to be playing 80 year old people. The class also thought that our characters were interesting and were appropriately cast. We also received feedback on the interest for the target audience and in this criteria we did well because our actors Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman have good chemistry so make the story interesting and east to watch. The class also thought the idea of the two men becoming homosexual very different so they thought this was good however they needed more explanation as to why they became homosexual after a long time. The class thought the narrative fitted the genre they described it as a " interesting idea" and how they were "open minded" about the idea. However we fell down on marketing the film with "more imagination needed" to do this better we could have thought of big billboards in central locations and television commercials to help advertise our film to a wider audience to bring in more money. Overall we received a score of 8 out of 10 which gave us 80% of the 20 Million pound grand prize.