Final task - Inspiration Ideas

In this lesson our teacher showed us some previous tasks which people have created to be there final piece. From this we learnt that there are many genres and themes which are used a lot because they are what people have seen over and over again and because of this the examiners have become tired of these genres and therefore could mark people down because they will be viewing the same things over and over again meaning they become bored. Because of this we will decide to make a less common genre which will enable us to meet the higher marks which are available and hopefuly entertain the examiner.

We also assessed some of the tasks which we were shown in order of how much we enjoyed watching them we also tried to grade them but we didn't understand muc about the grading criteria. 

From the pieces we were shown there were a couple which really engaged is and looked really good, all of the titles clearly took a long time to get everything on the right places however from viewing these we saw what we need to achieve in order to get the best marks. 

We were also given our groups we will be in for the task for this one I am with Lee, Robbie and Will. I think this group can be very strong as we have creative members as well as people who are good at editing on premaire.

The edge opening sequence was one which I liked because the editing on the titles are very good as they have obviously paid close attention to all of them ensuring they are all spot on. I also liked the music which added to the action. The use of older people chasing the one on roller skates helped the sequence to look more realistic. I didn't like the way he suddenly pulled out a bomb because there was no explanation as to why he had done this personally if the reason he had a bomb was explained I think it would be even better.

This is the opening sequence of Roses Are Red. I liked the titles because they have clearly spent a long time working on them to ensure that every title required was in the film.  The editing between shots was also good because they were clean cuts and not lots of black between the shots however the music did stutter where the editing may have been rushed because it does not sound right. I didn't like how the whole thing was filmed in one single location if they could have incorporated more locations into the sequence I feel it would be improved.