Production Diary

Week 1 :
  • 3/11/2014 - In this meeting we got in got into our groups in order to discuss and hand out roles which people will be doing in order to get the ball rolling on the production. 
  • 4/11/2014 - In this meeting we began the story board process by researching different films which have the same themes which we intend to incorporate into our film.  
  •  6/11/2014 - In this meeting we began to create our mood board and our film pitch, we created our film pitch to show the class our idea and to help us gain ideas for our target audience. 
  • 7/11/2014 - In this meting we evaluated our film pitch in order to determine our target audience. From this evaluation we found that our class liked the idea of apocalypse and the nuclear bomb disaster. 
Week 2 :

  • 10/11/2014 - In this meeting we came to finish our mood-board this gave us some costume ideas and location ideas which we began to look for on google maps. We did this to find some areas which looked suitable for our film. 
  • 11/11/2014 - We found out that we had the use of a remote control car in this meeting because of this we have adjusted out storyboard because after viewing the footage we could capture we felt it would add a good tracking shot because it is very steady. 
  • 12/11/2014 - In this meeting we decided to get some recce shots of our locations in order to figure out where we wanted to film and if we are able to film in the locations we want to.  
  • 13/11/2014 - In this meeting we began our titles research in order to see what fonts we want to put into our titles to give them the correct feel. We are making a list and then we are going to ask our group which one we feel will fit best in meaning we will get the best results.  
  • 14/11/2014 - In this lesson we organised our lap charts which would help us become more organised and ensure we know what we are suppose to be doing to ensure we get all the paperwork done and finished before we go out to film. I said i would do the Synopsis plan of our film and thew risk assessments. 
Week 3  : 
  • 17/11/2014 -In this meeting we voiced over the story board to upload onto my blog and to everyone else blog. 
  • 18/11/2014 - For this meeting we decided on our shooting locations we will mainly be filming in Ongar in Essex. We have access to a large barn in which we can film. 
  • 20/11/2014 - We sent Lee to take some recce shots of the location because t is close to his house and will give us ideas of what shots we can film. We decided that we would need a clear dry day in order to give our film the correct feel. 
  • 21/11/2014 - This meeting involved us checking through our work which we could then make changes if they are required to improve our own work. 
Week 4 : 
  • 24/11/2014 - In this session I started to complete the risk assessment so we could begin filming our production. Without the risk assessment we cannot film because it could be unsafe. 
  • 25/11/2014 - We started to complete the shooting schedule in this meeting knowing exactly what shots we need to film on our shooting days. 
  • 26/11/2014 - I began to finish the risk assessment for our production so we can upload it onto our blogs, after this we can film our production. 
  • 27/11/2014 - Our shooting schedule was finished in this session so we could begin to shoot, we are going to begin our shooting this weekend and are hoping to edit next week to get it finally finished.  
  • 28/11/2014 - We began shooting during this meeting to bring all of our footage together and then begin editing on premiar to bring our whole film together allowing us to meet our deadline. we have been shooting in the location pictured below because it looks like the aftermath of a nuclear explosion with no life present. 
Our Filming Location

Week 5 :
1/12/2014 - In this meeting we started to finish our filming meaning we can begin to edit in order to speed up our production ensuring we meet our deadline and edit our film in the most professional way possible.
2//12/2014 - In this meeting we started to finish our editing using the software to use a grayscale effect on the footage to give an impression of a derelict wasteland with no life because black is a colour which is associated with death meaning the audience will know what has happened even though they may not have seen it.
3/12/2014 - This meeting consisted of adding titles to our film in the correct manner so that all of the titles are correct and none are missing therefore allowing us to reach the highest marks we possibly can. During this we watched the zombieander credits to base ours on the same idea following the same pattern of credits.
4/12/2014 - We finished our editing and titles during this meeting because of this we exported our film to youtube in order to put it on to our blog for the examiner to watch and then mark.
5/12/2014 - We received class feedback in this meeting showing the whole class our film awaiting there comments which can help us improve our own film.